Easter Brunch with LiiRaven and Glammdapper

I wish I were writing this in better spirits, but if you are reading this, the only thing I can tell you is we are going to get through this Corona Virus. I think the past week, I opened my laptop to write and closed it right back up because I didn't have it in me to share anything. I have so much content to share its actually a great thing as an influencer, but as a human being, your girl needed last week to soak in all that's happening in the world. We all went from enjoying our lives to it, changing in an instant. It's very traumatic to go through such a life-changing experience and at a rapid pace, so if you are feeling it, it's ok to feel those feelings. I suffer from anxiety, and not having control is one of my many triggers; not being able to control what's happening has given me the worse insomnia, but I am pushing through guys because I refuse to believe this is it. I'm choosing to push through this because the truth is I have two little ones to be strong for. I have my moments, but I snap myself out of it and choose to laugh and smile and look at the positives. With that said, this week will be a different story on my platform. I will be sharing content I have been sitting on, and even vlogging, so stay tuned for some fun content to get your mind off the current events in the world.

It's crazy to think a little more than a week ago, I was in Curacao, and a few weeks ago Rosanna and I created some Easter content for you guys. We thought about holding off sharing but, we thought this would bring smiles to your faces, so here we are. It was a no brainer for us to team up because we both love fashion and home decor. We figured it would be great to share a quick way to create a Easter brunch at home with your family. I hope you guys enjoy what we created for you.

I have always loved decorating my home for Easter because of the pretty bright colors. There are so many simple things you can do to create a fun tablescape for your home. Adding cute Easters baskets with colorful napkins instead of standard bread baskets can spruce your table up. We added to the table these adorable cupcake towers and tea sets to give it that Easter touch. Most of what you see here is stuff Rosanna, and I already had in our homes. The likely hood of all of us being stuck in our homes for Easter this year is high, so get creative and grab things around the house, like faux flower arrangements and at it to the mix. If you are running to Target for a food run, stop by their dollar section for some cute bunnies I found and Easter decor. Overall we love the way our table came out and had so much fun creating it. There is no wrong way to decorate your table; have fun with it and think outside the box. Because most of the stuff pictured are things we had around our homes, I created a shoppable list below for you guys to create your own tablescapes for your Easter brunch at home. We also decided to create a mimosa station by simply adding an ice bucket with ice and real flower petals to give it color, its a simple idea but it will be sure to make for a pretty setup.

For any Brunch, think light finger foods, nothing heavy. We created some great food choices that I will be sharing soon on my IGTV, but for now, I wanted to list some ideas on here as well.
Food Ideas:
Avacodo toast
Charcuterie cheese board
Carrot cake
French toast
Mini sandwiches

I hope you guys enjoyed our Easter Brunch and make sure to stay tuned tomorrow I will be sharing fun activities for your kids for Easter and cute Easter basket ideas for under $20. As always, thanks for supporting my blog. Stay safe, loves.
Peace & Love